Student Supports
Utilize student-centered design and a data-informed approach in all areas of the college to proactively and holistically meet the needs of students.
- Reevaluate internal college processes and policies using a student-centered lens.
- Utilize the OTC Cares framework to provide proactive, data-informed supports to better target the provision of academic and non-academic student supports.
- Centralize OTC Community Resource Specialists to provide a comprehensive community referral system for students.
- Redesign the OTC website to provide a streamlined and intuitive experience to prospective and current students.
- Co-locate the offices of Student Account Services and Student Affairs to create a single access point for student financial services.
- Expand access to stigma-free supports for academic and non-academic student needs.
OTC will be in the top 25th percentile in fall-to-fall retention rates, as compared to peer community college institutions.