5.30 – Emergency Financial Assistance

5.30 –Emergency Financial Assistance A.    Purpose To describe emergency financial assistance options for currently enrolled students who qualify for rapid source(s) of temporary funding or resources. B.    Policy The college will maintain emergency financial assistance resources. C.    Procedures The OTC Cares online reporting system provides a mechanism for currently enrolled students to request emergency financial…

5.21 – Resident Classification

5.21 – Resident Classification A.    Purpose To establish student residency classification requirements for determination of the appropriate tuition rate. B.    Policy The college will maintain a process to establish residency classification for each student applicant. C.    Procedures The college determines residency status at the time of application for admission based on the information provided by…

5.01 – Admission

5.01 – Admission A.    Purpose To establish the requirements for admission to the college. B.    Policy The college will maintain an open admission process for students seeking education and training. C.    Procedures All students are required to complete an application for admission. Additional documents may be required depending on the student type. OTC’s application for…