1.08 – Amendments of the Rules

  1. These rules for government of the Board of Trustees of Ozarks Technical Community College may be amended, repealed, or added to upon motion made in writing for that purpose by any member of the Board. Any such motion shall not be voted upon until the next regularly scheduled meeting after it has been formally presented to the Board in writing. A majority vote of the whole Board shall be required for the adoption of any amendment, alteration, repeal or addition to these rules.

  2. When there is acceptance of a proposed change in policy, or it appears necessary for such change in policy to become effective immediately, it will be necessary to call for an emergency clause and then it must have unanimous consent with a roll call vote in order to be adopted. Any policy or procedure not required by law may be suspended for a specified time, and for a specified purpose, by a unanimous vote of the members of the Board present, but such suspension shall only be in effect during the meeting at which suspension was voted.

    Adopted September 17, 1990