2.02 – Curriculum Development and Revision
A.   Purpose
To advise the vice chancellor for academic affairs as to the course and program needs of the college’s academic area to meet the needs of the community and students.
B.   Policy
The college shall maintain a curriculum development and revision process and a curriculum committee to serve as a review board for all curriculum revisions and additions.
C.  Procedures
The curriculum development and revision process begins with faculty submitting a course or program proposal for review. The workflow includes approvals from the department chair, dean, director of curriculum, curriculum committee, faculty chair, registrar, and the provost. Additionally, prior to the curriculum meeting, proposals are available for review and comments for shared governance system-wide.
Upon committee approval, curriculum is effective the semester designated, and the Academic Catalog will be updated to reflect all changes implemented during the current academic year. If a new program/certificate is developed or additions are made to an existing program, approval to offer said programs will be requested to the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development (MDHEWD), the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), and the United States Department of Education (ED).
The Curriculum Committee is comprised of 15 members: three non-voting members (vice chancellor for academic affairs, assistant vice chancellor for academic affairs, and faculty chair, except in case of a tie) and twelve voting members (four arts, sciences, and business faculty representatives, three technical education faculty representatives, three health sciences faculty representatives, and two student affairs representatives).
Members are selected by the vice chancellor for academic affairs and serve a two-year term.
The committee allows resource members from any area of the college to attend meetings. Resource members are not eligible to vote.
The Curriculum Committee meetings require a quorum to be present to conduct business.
The Curriculum Committee will meet once per academic year.
D.  Definitions
E.   Authority
This policy is maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for academic affairs.
F.   Related Policies
G.  Implementation
Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 10/15/18.
Purpose, procedures, and definitions approved and adopted by the Cabinet on 09/27/18, 10/6/2022 and 2/27/2024. Set for review in 2027-2028.