2.07 Learning Modalities

A.    Purpose

To establish the parameters of each modality provided for student learning at the college.

B.    Policy

The college will establish specified criteria on the various learning modalities utilized at the college to maintain consistency in formats.

C.    Procedures

The following criteria are established for each of the currently approved modalities for student learning:

Face-to-Face: Face-to-face courses are taught at an OTC location by an instructor in a designated room and at a designated time with students physically present. Each face-to-face course has the opportunity to be web-enhanced and all students should be prepared to have activities related to the course content presented in class to be available online. Assignments and exams may be provided through the college’s learning management system for face-to-face classes but at least 75% of course content is delivered in class during scheduled class times. In the case of college closures designated by the chancellor, face-to-face classes may temporarily, or permanently, be transitioned to online or live virtual learning.

Online: Online courses allow a student to complete class materials and assignments by designated deadlines through a virtual environment. All online classes require a proctored event that is completed virtually or at an approved physical location. All components of online classes will be conducted in an asynchronous manner.

Hybrid: Hybrid courses include a combination of face-to-face and online class content. Classes are scheduled for specific dates and times at a designated location and require an online learning component. Online teaching and learning components of the courses, beyond supplemental activities, should consist of a minimum 25% of the course but should not exceed 75% of the course. The combined teaching and learning components of the class will not exceed in content or time that required of a face-to-face or online class.

Live Virtual Learning (LVL): Courses conducted by live virtual learning provide the student the opportunity to take a class in a variety of ways and at various locations. Typically, the instructor will teach from one OTC location; students can attend at that location, at another scheduled location, or stream virtually from anywhere in the world via a videoconferencing platform. Assignments and exams may be provided through the college’s learning management system. Based on the nature of LVL courses, they will be conducted in a synchronous manner. Live virtual learning classes can be scheduled in the context of face-to-face or hybrid classes.

D.  Definitions

E.  Authority

This policy is maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for academic affairs.

F.    Related Policies

2.21 – Proctored Events for Online Courses

G. Implementation

Purpose and Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 01/09/2023

Procedures, Definitions, and Authority approved and adopted by the Cabinet on 12/08/2022

Set for review 2025 -2026