2.09 – Course Credit Hour

A. Purpose

To establish how course credit hours are allocated to courses.

B. Policy

Course credit hours will be aligned with the Missouri Coordinating Board for Higher Education recommendations as stated in the Credit Transfer Guidelines document and will comply with the federal requirements for a credit hour.

C. Procedures

A course credit hour is an amount of work representing intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement from work both in and outside of the classroom.

A course credit hour shall be calculated by utilizing the following guidelines:
A permanently transcribed instructional activity in which one credit hour is awarded shall consist of a minimum of seven hundred fifty (750) minutes of classroom experiences such as lecture, discussion, or similar instructional approaches; or a minimum of one thousand five hundred (1,500) minutes of such experiences as laboratory or equivalent experiences; or a minimum of two thousand two hundred fifty (2,250) minutes of clinical, practicum, internship, studio, or equivalent experiences. Each of the above time periods is exclusive of registration and final examination time.

Alternative teaching formats:
The amount of time to complete homework, research, writing, and testing required for online, hybrid, or other alternatively formatted courses will be the equivalent of the time and amount of similar work required for courses taught entirely on location.

E. Definitions

F. Authority

This policy is maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for academic affairs.

G. Related Policies

H.Β Implementation

Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 04/09/12. Revised 01/13/2020.

Purpose, procedures, responsibilities and definitions approved and adopted by the Cabinet on 03/16/12. Revised 10/08/13 and 12/12/2019. Set for review in fiscal year 2025 – 2026.