2.11 – Program Advisory Committees

A.   Purpose

To improve the quality and impact of instruction in programs that prepare workers for a target occupation.

B.   Policy

The college will maintain an advisory committee for each appropriate instructional program to serve as counsel on matters that directly concern the program.

C.   Procedures

The chancellor will appoint the membership of the program advisory committees.

The committees will be called the “(name of program area) Advisory Committee.”

Composition – The program advisory committee shall consist of no more than fifteen members. Members will, insofar as possible, constitute a cross-section of the employment community and be drawn primarily from the private sector of the community, with appropriate public sector representation. Membership should include representation of minority and target groups whose interests must be served in career and technical education.

Appointments – The procedure for nominating members will be for instructor(s), appropriate administrator(s), and current advisory committee members to recommend a list of possible nominees. Following approval of the nominees, notice of appointment shall be made by the chancellor stating the term for which the appointment is made.

Term – A term of committee appointment shall last for three years, with one-third of the membership appointed each year, as necessary. Terms will begin on July 1. Staggered terms of service for advisory committee members ensure both committee continuity and ability to accommodate change.

Officers – The committee will have a chair, vice chair, and recording secretary who are elected for one-year terms by the membership. Elections for the next term will be held at the last meeting of the present term.

Meetings – The committee will meet at least two times per year. Notices of upcoming meetings will be sent to members at least two weeks before the meeting.

Minutes – Minutes of each meeting will be kept on file and available to local administrators, instructors, and committee members.

Recommendations and Reports – Committee recommendations and reports will be submitted in writing to the instructor/administrator responsible for that committee who will present it to the appropriate dean and vice chancellor.

Removal – Members who are absent without reasonable cause from three successive meetings will be considered to have resigned their seat. The committee will move to fill the position through the regular appointment process.

D.   Definitions


E.   Authority

This policy is maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for academic affairs.

F.    Related Policies


G.   Implementation

Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 2/23/98; revised 5/11/09.
Purpose, Procedures, Definitions, Authority, and Related Policies sections approved and adopted by the Cabinet on 4/28/09; 12/12/2019; 10/06/2022.

Set for review in fiscal year 2025-2026.