2.31 โ€“ Faculty Qualifications

A. Purpose

Define the minimum faculty qualifications for academic degrees or certificates.

B. Policy

All faculty members are required to have the appropriate credentials for the degree/certificate taught.

C. Procedures

Generally, all faculty should have earned licensures, credentials, or degree(s) that document educational attainments at least one level above the level at which they are teaching or should meet the requirements of the appropriate accreditation agency.

Certificate of Achievement or Certification of Specialization:

The level of education required for faculty members is determined by each appropriate certification or accreditation agency. Equivalent experience may demonstrate content expertise for individuals not meeting the minimum requirements.

Associate of Arts or Associate of Science Degree:

Faculty will possess a master’s degree within a related field or a masterโ€™s degree with a minimum of 18-hours of graduate work in the discipline being taught.

Associate of Applied Science Degree, Associate of Interdepartmental Studies, or Associate of Individualized Technical Studies:

The level of education required for program directors/department chairs and faculty members is determined by each appropriate certification or accreditation agency. Equivalent experience may demonstrate content expertise for individuals not meeting the standard academic requirements.

Instructors who teach secondary students may be required to obtain Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Teaching Certification.

Bachelor of Science Degree:

Faculty will possess at least a masterโ€™s degree within a related field or a masterโ€™s degree with a minimum of 18 hours of graduate work in the discipline being taught. Additional educational requirements may be determined by the appropriate certification or accreditation agency.

Alternative qualifications for faculty credentialing at the department level will be submitted to the vice chancellor for academic affairs for approval.

D. Definitions


E. Authority

This policy is maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for academic affairs.

F. Related Policies


G. Implementation

Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 10/21/13.ย  Revised on 08/12/19 and 05/08/24.

Purpose, procedures, responsibilities, and definitions approved and adopted by the Cabinet on 09/19/13. Revised on 06/04/19, and 04/16/24. Set for review in fiscal year 2026-2027.