2.76 – Livestock Production and Disposal

A.Β Β Β  Purpose

To establish college expectations of agriculture livestock production and disposal.

B.Β Β Β  Policy

All college-owned agricultural livestock will be used for educational purposes and will be cared for and/or disposed of in a humane manner established to follow the accepted practices within the private sector.

C.Β Β Β  Procedures


Students will be educated on the care of livestock and production management practices that are utilized in the private sector. All livestock will be cared for in a humane manner.


The department chair of the agriculture program, or an approved designee, is responsible for the administration of sale or other disposition of all livestock. The department chair shall also ensure that adequate inventory records are maintained.

As applicable for the method of disposal, documentation that supports such method will be maintained by the department chair.

Consistent with the best interest of the institution, if livestock are not retained for educational purposes, livestock may be disposed of by the following methods:

Disposal by Slaughter for College Use: The college may slaughter livestock in order to utilize the animal products for educational purposes. The college will select an FDA approved processing company. The animal products will be stored in an approved and monitored temperature-controlled storage refrigerator/freezer located on college property.

Disposal by Public Auction: Livestock may be sold via public auction at a regional livestock sale barn. All livestock will be sold on an “as is” basis, with no warranty or representation as to its functionality. The previous statement will be included in sale notices and transfer documentation. Any person within the college community, may bid on and purchase any livestock sold at a public auction.

The department chair will be responsible for maintaining appropriate documentation of livestock, reporting quantity sold or slaughtered, documenting proceeds received, and accounting for monies collected per the college’s cash receipting procedures. When livestock are sold, net financial proceeds will be allocated to further support the mission of the agriculture program as determined appropriate by the vice chancellor for academic affairs or designee.

D. Definitions


E. Authority

This policy is maintained under the shared authority of the executive vice chancellor for academic affairs.

F. Related Policies

6.36 – Surplus Property Disposal and Property Transfer

G. Implementation

Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 04/11/2022.

Purpose, procedures, definitions, and authority approved and adopted by the Cabinet on 03/22/2022.

Set to review in fiscal year 2025 – 2026.