3.10 – Hiring Employees

A.    Purpose

To establish standards for the hiring process.

B.    Policy

The college will maintain formal, fair, equitable and nondiscriminatory procedures in its hiring practices. Upon recommendation of the Chancellor, the Board of Trustees is responsible for approving the hiring of full-time employees.

C.    Procedures

Full-time Staff and Faculty Employees

When it is determined by the Chancellor or appropriate Vice Chancellor that a position needs to be filled, the Office of Human Resources will announce the vacancy through appropriate channels.

In order to be considered for employment, all applicants must complete an OTC online employment application package.

A current employee interested in applying for a new position is required to complete an application for the position.

Based on the qualifications of the applicants as they relate to college needs and the requirements of the position being sought, a final pool of candidates will be determined, interviewed, and the successful candidate will be selected.

A job offer is contingent until a successful background check and applicable screening are completed.

The successful candidate will be recommended to the Board of Trustees for hire, pending the outcome of a reference check and background check (3.58). Upon recommendation from the Chancellor, successful candidates may begin employment prior to Board approval.

Fitness for duty tests are required for certain positions at the college. Failure to take or pass such an exam will result in a job offer being revoked.

Prior to assuming duty, an employee is required to complete applicable employment forms with the Office of Human Resources. Failure to complete the required forms within a timely manner, may result in revocation of the job offer.

All applications will be retained in the Office of Human Resources accordance with the applicable records retention schedule established by the State of Missouri.

Part-time and Adjunct Employees

In order to be considered for employment, all applicants must complete an OTC online employment application package.

Based on the qualifications of the applicants as they relate to college needs and the requirements of the position being sought, a pool of candidates will be determined, interviewed, and the successful candidate will be selected.

A job offer is contingent until a successful background check and applicable screening are completed.

The successful part-time applicant will be notified by the college.

Fitness for duty tests are required for certain positions at the college. Failure to take or pass such an exam will result in a job offer being revoked.

Prior to assuming duty, an employee is required to complete applicable employment forms with the Office of Human Resources. Failure to complete the required forms within a timely matter, may result in revocation of the job offer.

All applications will be retained in the Office of Human Resources in accordance to the applicable records retention schedule established by the State of Missouri.

D.    Definitions

E.    Authority

This policy is maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for administrative services.

F.    Related Policies

3.11 Employee Background Checks

3.12 Employment Agreements and Voluntary Separation

G.    Implementation

Purpose, Procedures, Definitions, Authority and Related Policies approved and adopted by the cabinet on 02/25/2020.

Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 04/13/2020. Set for review in fiscal year 2022-2023.