3.13 – Professional Development Plan
A. Purpose
To designate professional development requirements for all full-time college employees.
B. Policy
Full-time employees will participate in professional development opportunities on an annual basis.
C. Procedures
Full-time faculty are required to obtain 20 hours of professional development per academic year.
Full-time staff are required to obtain 10 hours of professional development per calendar year.
Full-time administrators are required to obtain 20 hours of professional development per calendar year.
Professional development hours will be noted on the employee’s annual evaluation.
Professional development or continuing education hours required by an accrediting body may be more specific than the college requirements.  Hours do not need to be obtained separately. The hours earned for an accrediting body may be counted toward an employee’s college-required hours.
Employees enrolled in three or more credit hours of classes related to their job or discipline or in the college-provided online teaching course will meet their professional development requirements for the fiscal year.
All requests for professional development which involve travel must comply with the college’s policies and procedures related to direct reimbursement for permissible expenditures.
There are three recognized categories of professional development: professional improvement, college/academic involvement, and community involvement. Each employee is required to obtain hours from at least two of the categories. Within each category is given examples of activities and involvement that may constitute professional development for that particular category. These are provided as a guide of reference only; this is a rudimentary list and in no way should be considered comprehensive or definitive. The employee’s supervisor shall make the determination regarding final approval of selected professional development activities.
Professional Improvement
Continued education in pursuit of a supplemental or higher degree or to gain additional knowledge of subject matter related to one’s job or field of expertise.
Course in online teaching and learning.
Creating or learning to use computer technology related to one’s job or field.
Participating in conferences, seminars or workshops on teaching strategies, job skills or administrative functions
Writing for publication related to writer’s field of expertise. This may include journal articles, popular magazine articles, scholarly books, textbooks and other curricular materials.
Performing original research or a constructive activity that enhances professional standing in one’s field, i.e. an art instructor may create art work, a literature instructor may write fiction or poetry, a psychology instructor may conduct experiments or offer community workshops and a science instructor may work in a research laboratory.
Completion of continuing education classes on topics that improve job-related personal attributes or skills.
College/Academic Involvement
Attendance at cross-discipline activities.
Representation at college events and activities.
Volunteering to serve on special committees or with special groups
Participating with students in cultural or other events that have educational impact.
Serving state, regional or national organizations as an officer, committee chair, or attending member.
Preparing for and presenting breakout sessions at campus, local, state, regional or national conferences/workshops/training events.
Visiting or hosting other colleges to share academic strategies, facility design, program development, etc.
Participating in roundtable discussions or interest groups that pertain to content or career areas.
Leading or participating with student groups/activities.
Community Involvement
Leadership on local boards related to one’s field.
Participation in civic or business group activities related to one’s job.
Volunteering at local festivals or cultural functions as a representative of the College.
Serving as a judge or advisor for local academic organizations or events.
D. Definitions
Staff – support staff in the Classification I personnel
Administrators – supervisors, executive, professional support staff, chancellor, vice-chancellors, presidents and deans – Classification II & III personnel
E. Authority
This policy and these procedures are maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for administrative services.
F. Related Policies
2.73 Faculty Workload, Expectations, and Additional Compensation
3.71 Staff Enrollment and Tuition ExemptionÂ
3.74 Tuition Reimbursement Plan
6.12 Direct Reimbursement for Permissible Expenditures
G. Implementation
Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 12/10/12, and 6/8/20.
Purpose, Procedures, Definitions, Authority and Related Policies sections approved and adopted by the chancellor’s cabinet on 11/27/12; revised on 8/2/2016 and 5/5/20.
Set for review in fiscal year 2026-2027.