3.14 – Evaluation of Performance

A. Purpose

To establish standards for the evaluation of employee performance.

B. Policy

Employees are subject to an annual performance evaluation. The Chancellor is evaluated on an annual basis by the Board of Trustees.

C. Procedures

Employee Evaluations

Full-time employees will be formally evaluated on an annual basis by their immediate supervisor using the evaluation tool(s) prescribed by the college. The formal evaluation process allows the supervisor to evaluate an employee’s effectiveness, identify strengths and areas for improvement, document substandard performance, and clarify expectations

After the formal evaluation has been completed by the supervisor, it is to be discussed with the employee. The employee is asked to sign the evaluation acknowledging that it has been discussed. Acknowledgment of the performance evaluation does not indicate that the employee agrees with the comments or ratings provided. Rather, their acknowledgment indicates that they have been provided with an evaluation and have had the opportunity to discuss the contents of that evaluation with their supervisor.

All formal evaluations must be submitted to the Office of Human Resources and placed in the employee’s file and retained in accordance with the applicable records retention schedule as required by the State of Missouri.

New staff employees hired after October 31st of the review year will receive their formal evaluation the next calendar year.

Full-time faculty performance evaluations will be completed on an academic year basis, with classroom observations conducted every other year if there are no performance concerns; adjunct faculty observations will occur, at minimum, every three years. Although a formal evaluation is required for full-time employees annually, supervisors are encouraged to hold ongoing performance discussions with their full-time and part-time employees throughout the year.

Chancellor Evaluation

The Chancellor’s evaluation is conducted annually by the Board of Trustees in a closed session per Missouri Statute 610.021(3)

D. Definitions


E. Authority

This policy and these procedures are maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for administrative services.

F. Related Policies

3.40 – Employee Code of Conduct

G. Implementation

Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 1/13/2020.

Purpose, Procedures, Definitions, Authority and Related Policies sections approved and adopted by the Chancellor’s Cabinet on 12/12/2019. Revised on 10/06/2023.

Set for review in fiscal year 2026-2027.