3.15 – Supplemental Employment
A.   Purpose
To establish the college’s expectation regarding supplemental employment for full-time employees.
B.   Policy
The primary obligation of full-time college employees is owed to the college. Supplemental employment within the college or outside of the college must not interfere with the employee’s primary job duties, create a potential or actual conflict of interest, or raise any ethical concerns. In addition, supplemental employment outside of the college must not be performed with the use of college-owned facilities, supplies or equipment.
C.   Procedures
An employee engaged in supplemental employment within the college who is underperforming in their primary position at the college may be subject to sanctions, including not being allowed to continue with the supplemental employment if problems persist.
The college may allow full-time faculty and staff who have the required academic qualifications and have not had performance issues in the past two (2) years, to teach up to two (2) courses per semester, not to exceed eight (8) hours, which are beyond normal work load and responsibilities. Responsibilities related to these courses must be performed outside normal working hours. Permissions and exceptions to the aforementioned must be approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor and the provost.
D.   Definitions
E.   Authority
This policy is maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for administrative services.
F.   Related Policies
2.73 Faculty Workload, Expectations, and Additional Compensation
G.   Implementation
Purpose, Procedures, Definitions, Authority and Related Policies sections approved and adopted by the Chancellor’s Cabinet on 04/7/20.
Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 05/11/20.
Set for review in fiscal year 2026-2027.