3.16 – Employee Files
A. Purpose
To provide general information about employees’ personnel files and right of access thereto.
B. Policy
The college will maintain an employee personnel file for each employee.
C. Procedures
This file contains basic personal information (e.g., name, address, phone number) and employment-related information, including but not limited to performance evaluations, transcripts, benefit documents and training documentation.
The designated supervisor(s) of each employee, and other administrators with a justifiable need, shall have access to appropriate portions of the employee personnel file of the employee(s) under their supervision.
An employee may examine appropriate portions of their employee personnel file.   An employee wishing to review his/her file should contact the Office of Human Resources to schedule a time to do so. The file shall be reviewed in the Office of Human Resources in the presence of a member of the Office of Human Resources staff. Personnel files are the property of the college and, therefore, cannot be removed from the Office of Human Resources.
The college will provide information contained in an employee personnel file to individual and/or organizations who are not employees or agents of the college only if required to do so by law.
To ensure that personnel records are accurate and up-to-date, employees must notify the Office of Human Resources whenever there is a change to the following:
a.      Name, address, or telephone number;
b.      Marital status or the number of dependents (for tax withholding and insurance coverage), or beneficiary for life insurance;
c.       Emergency contact’s name, relationship and daytime phone; and
d.      Education and training completed.
Former employees of the college do not have a right of access to their personnel files, unless access is required by law.
D. Definitions
E. Authority
This policy and these procedures are maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for administrative services.
F. Related Policies
G. Implementation
Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 2/11/91, 11/12/94 and 6/8/20.
Purpose, Procedures, Definitions, Authority and Related Policies sections approved and adopted by the chancellor’s cabinet on 5/5/20.
Set for review in fiscal year 2026-2027.