3.45 – Violence, Inappropriate Behavior, and Threats
A.   Purpose
To establish standards of appropriate behavior to prevent violence, inappropriate behavior, and threats in the workplace.
B.   Policy
Violence, inappropriate behavior, and threats in the workplace are serious matters, and any employee engaging in such conduct will be subject to appropriate corrective action up to and including termination of employment. There may also be legal action as a result of such conduct.
C.   Procedures
Prohibited behavior includes, but is not limited to:
Assault and/or battery;
Verbal behavior including belligerent speech or excessive arguing;
Conduct that threatens the physical or mental wellbeing, health or safety of an individual;
Intimidation or harassment that causes a reasonable person to fear for their physical safety, their property and/or mental wellbeing and the intimidation or harassment may consist of physical actions, including gestures, or oral, cyber bullying, electronic, or written communications, and any threat of retaliation for reporting any such intimidation or harassment;
Sabotaging, defacing, or causing physical damage to college facilities and or property;
Using any object in a threatening or weapon-like manner.
Inspection of Employee Personal Property for Possession of Weapons
In order to promote a safe and violence-free workplace, and in keeping with the college’s Weapons on Campus or at College Sponsored Activities policy 4.02(t), the college reserves the right to inspect employee clothing and property, in accordance with applicable laws, when it believes that an employee is in possession of a weapon. The college has the right to inspect employee offices on college owned or leased property. An employee who does not fully cooperate with such an inspection may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Reporting Violence, Inappropriate Behaviors, and Threats
If an employee or anyone is in immediate danger, they should contact local law enforcement, and as soon as it is safe, contact the safety and security office.
If an employee observes or is the victim of violence, inappropriate behaviors, or threats in the workplace, they must immediately report the incident to the appropriate supervisor, the safety and security office, and the office of human resources. This includes acts by any and all persons on the college premise.
All reports of workplace violence will be taken seriously and will be investigated promptly and thoroughly. Reports can be made anonymously. The college will maintain confidentiality when possible (i.e., release information only to those with a business need to know). The college will not tolerate retaliation against any employee who reports workplace violence.
Employees experiencing any personal situation which may potentially bring violence to the workplace are expected to notify their supervisor, the safety and security office, or the office of human resources to protect the safety of the college community. Such advance warning allows the implementation of appropriate measures to protect employees and students. Employees who report potential workplace violence from a domestic or personal dispute do not need to fear corrective action or retaliation.
D.   Definitions
College community is students, faculty and staff of the college, the board of trustees, visitors, contractors and consultants performing work or services on college owned or leased properties and all other invitees of the college.
E.   Authority
This policy is maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for administrative services.
F.   Related Policies
4.02(t) Weapons on Campus or at College Sponsored Activities
3.48 Employee Use of Social Media
G.   Implementation
Purpose, procedures, definitions, authority and related policies sections approved and adopted by the chancellor’s cabinet on 08/11/20.
Policy approved and adopted by the board of trustees on 10/12/20.
Set for review in fiscal year 2026-2027.