3.80 – Safety and Health

A.    Purpose

To establish standards and expectations for the health and safety of employees in the workplace.

B.    Policy

The college is committed to promoting a culture of safety in the workplace, and will comply with all applicable workplace safety, health rules and regulations. All employees of the college must adhere to safe practices while on college property or when conducting college related business, regardless of location.

C.    Procedures

Employees will receive instruction and training on how to perform their job properly and safely. If required, special authorization and training may be needed to use certain equipment, chemicals or other materials.

Mechanical safeguards must be in place before operating any piece of machinery and must stay in place while that machinery is being operated.

Each employee is expected to report all unsafe acts or conditions encountered during work or on college property to their immediate supervisor.

Any injury or illness which is believed to be directly related to work at the college, no matter how minor, must be immediately reported to the supervisor.

Every employee is responsible for maintaining their work area/station in a professional and safe condition to prevent accidents and injuries.

Employees are expected to assist management in accident prevention procedures.

The college will conduct safety drills on a regular basis. These include, but are not limited to fire, tornado and active shooter drills.

College departments may have specialized health and safety requirements for their operations based upon federal, state, or other organization rules, regulations or guidance that employees are expected to follow.

D.    Definitions

E.    Authority

This policy is maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for administrative services.

F.    Related Policies

3.81 – Reporting Work-Related Injuries & Workers’ Compensation

3.31 – Working Remotely

4.02(o) – Hazardous Materials

4.02m – Communicable Diseases

G.    Implementation

Purpose, procedures, definitions, authority and related policies sections approved and adopted by the chancellor’s cabinet on 09/08/20.

Policy approved and adopted by the board of trustees on 10/12/20. Set for review in fiscal year 2023-2024.