4.01 – Governance Councils

A.    Purpose

To establish the functions and duties of college governance councils.

B.    Policy

Standing governance councils shall be maintained to provide the opportunity for regular oversight of functional areas of the college. Additional councils may also be convened as deemed appropriate by the chancellor to supplement existing councils or address specific issues.

C.    Procedures

The following governance councils will operate as standing committees:

  • Academic Council, chaired by the provost/vice chancellor for academic affairs, to provide oversight for college policies and operations related to academic affairs, student learning, and delivery of instruction.
  • Administrative Services Council chaired by the vice chancellor of administrative services, to provide oversight for college policies and operations related to construction, facilities, safety and security, information technology, human resources, auxiliary services, insurance, and procurement.
  • Advancement Council, chaired by the executive director of the OTC Foundation | chief of staff, to provide oversight for college policies and operations related to the OTC Foundation, research and governmental affairs, grant development, communication and marketing, and media relations.
  • Finance Council, chaired by the chief financial officer to provide oversight for college policies and operations related to finance functions and college funds.
  • Student Affairs Council, chaired by the vice chancellor for student affairs, to provide oversight for college policies and operations related to student success, student care and engagement, financial aid, enrollment, title IX, student conduct, counseling services, global engagement, and registration.
  • Strategic Planning Council, chaired by the chief strategy officer, to provide oversight for college policies and operations related to developing and implementing the college’s strategic plan and mission statement.

Governance councils will maintain voting membership that is broadly representative of the college. Voting members will be recommended for two-year terms by the respective governance council chair and approved by the chancellor’s cabinet.

Governance councils may also include resource positions that are non-voting and not subject to time-limited terms. These positions will be recommended by the respective governance council chair and approved by the chancellor’s cabinet.

Governance councils will maintain regular meetings with additional meetings as needed. A minimum of four meetings will be held annually for each governance council.

Meetings will be used to allow for review and input on operations and planned actions related to the governance council’s functional area.

Minutes from each governance council meeting will be approved by the council and presented to the chancellor’s cabinet for review and approval. Approved minutes will be distributed to all OTC employees.

Governance council members are expected to attend council meetings and report what is shared with their respective programs/departments to fulfill their representative role of council service.

As deemed appropriate by the chancellor, temporary committees may be established to provide guidance and advice for specific aspects of college operations as a supplement to the governance council structure or to address functions not covered by an existing council.

D.    Definitions

Governance council is a standing committee with representative membership that provides oversight for a functional area of college operations.

E.    Authority

This policy is maintained under the authority of the chancellor.

F.    Related Policies


G.    Implementation

Policy approved and adopted by the board of trustees on 03/12/18.

Purpose, procedures, responsibilities, and definitions approved and adopted by the chancellor’s cabinet on 03/12/18.

Revised on 08/10/2020, and 9/5/23. Set for review in fiscal year 2026–2027.