4.02(s) – Website Publishing

A. Purpose

To establish a structure to create, update and maintain a common set of website publishing practices and procedures.

B. Policy

The policy of this college shall be to develop and maintain an informative, timely, well-organized, student-centered website as an official publication to provide access to college information and services that comply with college policy and all applicable local, state and federal laws.

C. Procedures

  1. The college websites will conform to associated guidelines, college policies, rules, regulations and all applicable local, state and federal laws.
  2. Content managers and third-party vendors must be approved by both the:
    1. Office of Web Services
    2. Department governing authority
  3. Content managers and third-party vendors must obtain basic content management system training through the Office of Web Services.
  4. The Office of Web Services will assist content managers in developing, supporting and reviewing websites.

D. Responsibilities

As delegated by the college director of web services, which shall enforce website publishing policies.

E. Definitions

  1. “Content Manager” denotes all employees and students approved to manage the department college website content.
  2. “Department Governing Authority” denotes chancellor, vice chancellor, associate vice chancellor, dean, college director or his/her designee(s) or his/her representative(s).
  3. “Website” denotes Ozarks Technical Community College’s official website (otc.edu) all related third level domains (i.e. academics.otc.edu, about.otc.edu/policies, etc.), sub domains (i.e. academics.otc.edu/provost), college-affiliated sites outside of the otc.edu domain using approved OTC trademarked or copyrighted materials, images, logos, etc.
  4. “Third Party Vendors” denotes any company, individual, or party who is not an employee of the college that is requesting college website resource access. Examples include, but are not limited to, online learning management systems and vendor “portals” for procurement of equipment, services and supplies.
  5. “Website Resource Access” denotes access to the college’s content management system, content, website analytics, website imagery, and any other resources managed by The Office of Web Services approved for content manager usage.

F. Authority

This policy is maintained under the authority of the chief of staff.

G. Related Policies

2.51 – Copyright Compliance Policy
4.07 – Brand Uniformity

H. Implementation

  • Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 7/9/01
  • Revisions approved by the Board of Trustees on 10/15/18
  • Set for review in October 2023