4.07– Brand Uniformity

A. Purpose

To create a uniform identity for the college and to enhance the college’s brand.

B. Policy

It is the policy of the college that all public communications of the college shall follow the college’s style guide and brand standards.

C. Procedures

1. All publications, promotional items and digital assets created for the purpose of marketing the college shall have an approved college wordmark or logo prominently placed on them and be reviewed and approved by the Communications and Marketing Department.

2. All advertising shall be approved by the Communications and Marketing Department. This includes print, digital, radio, television and social media advertising.

3. This policy does not apply to student organizations or student-led initiatives. Other exclusions may apply under the authority of the College Director of Communications and Marketing.

D. Responsibilities

1. It is the responsibility of the Communications and Marketing Department to maintain an updated style guide and brand standards that are available for staff and faculty to consult.

2. It is the responsibility of the Communications and Marketing Department to make official college wordmarks available for use.

3. It is the responsibility of staff and faculty to follow the college’s style guide and brand standards in all marketing, advertising and communications and to seek guidance and/or approval when using the official college wordmark or other logos.

E. Definitions

1. Public communications are defined as advertising, marketing and internal and external communications including news releases and social media.

2. A publication is defined as a brochure, rack card, flyer, poster, catalog, viewbook, electronic publication, annual report, event program, or any other printed marketing materials that will be seen by the college’s audiences.

3. Promotional items are defined as articles of merchandise that are branded with a logo and used in marketing and communication of programs or events.

4. Digital assets are defined as photos, videos and advertisements designed to be online or on mobile devices that will be seen by the college’s audiences.

5. Advertising is defined as any paid communication designed to reach an audience external to the college.

6. College audience is defined as current students, prospective students, faculty, staff, administration, legislators, the service-area community and the general public.

F. Authority

This policy is maintained under the authority of the chief of staff. Some exclusions may apply with advance permission from the College Director of Communications and Marketing.

G. Related Policies

4.02(s) – Website Publishing

H. Implementation

Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on

Purpose, Procedures, Responsibilities, Definitions, Authority and Related Policies approved and adopted by the cabinet on

Set for review in fiscal year