4.08 –Communicable Diseases

A.    Purpose

To establish guidelines and procedures in the event a student or employee has or may have a communicable disease.

B.    Policy

Individuals who have or may have become infected with a communicable disease may be restricted from accessing college services or facilities when medically necessary, or as required or recommended by the city, county, state or federal officials. Those affected will need to comply with and follow the college’s guidelines for continued participation on college property.

C.    Procedures

Members of the college community who know, or have reasonable basis to believe, that they are infected with a communicable disease, are expected to seek medical advice about their health circumstances and should conduct themselves responsibly in accordance with such knowledge for the protection of others. They are required to share that information with the appropriate college administrator so that the college can respond appropriately to their needs and the needs of others in the college community who may be impacted. Students should contact the Dean of Students or designated center or campus administrator. Employees should contact their immediate supervisor and the chief human resources officer. Information about the individual’s infection or potential infection will be disclosed to college officials only on a need-to-know basis unless the individual consents in writing to other releases of the information.

When the college receives information indicating that a student or employee has or may have a communicable disease, the college will evaluate the situation and respond on an individual case-by-case basis. Such response will take into consideration city, county, state and federal guidance and recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, the local health department and other health agencies, the expressed desires and opinions of the individual who is infected, and the recommendation of the individual’s physician.

The college may be obligated, by law, to disclose to public health officials information about certain communicable diseases.


If the college determines that a student must be restricted from classes or college property because of a communicable disease, or the student quarantines on the recommendation of the CDC, local health department or their physician, the college will make every reasonable effort to allow the student to complete their coursework in a manner that complies with the college’s academic requirements.

Once the student is no longer infectious, they may be required to provide a letter from an appropriate healthcare professional. This letter will be presented to the dean of students or the appropriate campus/center administrator before the student will be allowed to return to college property. The college may also require documentation of satisfying quarantine requirements.


If the college determines that an employee should be restricted from work due to a communicable disease, or the employee quarantines on the recommendation of the CDC, local health department or their physician, the employee will be allowed to take leave using sick or vacation time. If an employee has exhausted their leave time, they may be allowed to request time from the sick bank hours. The employee is expected to remain off college property until the risk of infecting others has ended as determined by the employee’s physician or on the guidelines established by local health officials. The college will work with the employee to determine if remote work is an option.

Once the employee is no longer infectious, they must provide a letter from an appropriate healthcare professional. This letter will be presented to the office of human resources before the employee will be allowed to return to college property. The college may also require documentation of satisfying quarantine requirements.


If a communicable disease is declared a pandemic,, the college will refer to guidelines recommended by the appropriate   local, state and federal health officials. In the event of a pandemic, the college has the right to take unusual measures to ensure the health and well-being of the college community.

D.    Definitions

Communicable disease is an illness caused by an infectious agent or its toxins that occurs through the direct or indirect transmission of the infectious agent or its products from an infected individual or via an animal, vector or the inanimate environment to a susceptible animal or human host. Communicable disease may include, but is not limited to, the following: conjunctivitis, diphtheria, influenza, meningococcal meningitis, measles, mumps, rubella, tuberculosis (TB), varicella (chickenpox) and coronavirus.

The college community includes students, faculty and staff of the college, the board of trustees, visitors, contractors and consultants performing work or services on college owned or leased properties and all other invitees of the college.

E.    Authority

This policy is maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for administrative services.

F.    Related Policies

3.66 Sick Leave and Usage

3.67 Vacation Leave and Usage

3.31 Remote Work

G.    Implementation

Purpose and policy approved and adopted by the board of trustees on 7/11/94. Revised 5/14/18.

Revised 9/13/21.

Procedures, responsibilities, definitions, authority, and related policies approved and adopted by the cabinet on 5/14/18. Revised 9/7/21.

Set for review in fiscal year 2024-2025.