5.24 – Academic Integrity

A. Purpose

To define standards of academic integrity, to establish the authority to address infractions of academic integrity, and to establish due process for students to respond to possible sanctions imposed due to policy violations.

B. Policy

The college shall promote and enforce a culture of academic integrity. Students are expected to behave as responsible members of the college community and to be honest and ethical in their academic work. Students assume full responsibility for the content and integrity of course work they submit.

C. Procedures

Academic Integrity Awareness

In each course, students will be notified in the course syllabus about college policies and procedures regarding academic integrity, student responsibilities related to academic integrity, and references to information about the consequences of academic integrity violations. Through their instruction of courses, OTC faculty will strive to provide students with the knowledge, skills, judgement and wisdom they need to participate meaningfully in society as educated adults, including the value of Academic Integrity.

Addressing Academic Integrity Violations

OTC delegates the following disciplinary authorities to faculty in responding to infractions of academic integrity:

  • Requiring a reattempt at the assignment or assessment in question.
  • Requiring the completion of an alternative assignment or assessment.
  • Lowering the score on the assignment or assessment in question.
  • Recording a “zero” for the assignment or assessment in question.

Upon faculty determination that an academic integrity violation has occurred, the following procedures will be followed:

  • The faculty will communicate with the student in writing via OTC email about the violation and the consequence. This communication will include the following:
    • Notification of the charge
    • Presentation of the evidence supporting the charge
    • Information about the appeal process

Imposing Consequences Beyond Faculty Authority
In cases of flagrant and/or repeated academic integrity violations, the faculty will document the incident and their recommendation for consequences on an Academic Integrity Infraction Form. The faculty will submit the completed form which will then be reviewed by:

  • The appropriate academic Department Chair or Program Director, and
  • The appropriate Division and/or location academic Dean or Director, and
  • The Dean of Students

After review of the faculty member’s recommended consequence(s), the appropriate combination of administrators listed above will make a determination regarding the recommendation. The Dean of Students will communicate the academic decision and the disciplinary status to the student. If the student wishes to challenge the accusation or consequences, he or she must follow the procedure outlined in the Academic and Course Grade Appeal policy.

D. Definitions

Standards of Academic Integrity: Students must do their own work and submit only their own work on examinations, reports and projects, unless otherwise permitted by the faculty. Students are encouraged to contact their instructor about appropriate citation guidelines. Students must follow all written and/or verbal instructions given by instructors or designated college representatives prior to taking examinations, placement assessments, tests, quizzes and evaluations. Students are responsible for adhering to course requirements as specified by the faculty in the course syllabus.

Violations of Academic Integrity: Actions constituting violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • PLAGIARISM. The use of another’s words, ideas, data or product without appropriate acknowledgment, such as copying another’s work, presenting someone else’s opinions and theories as one’s own, or working jointly on a project and then submitting it as one’s own.
  • CHEATING. The use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information, or study aids; an act of deceit by which a student attempts to misrepresent academic skills or knowledge; and, unauthorized copying or collaborations.
  • FABRICATION. Intentional misrepresentation or invention of any information, such as falsifying research, inventing or exaggerating data, or listing incorrect or fictitious references.
  • COLLUSION. Assisting another to commit an act of academic dishonesty, such as paying or bribing someone to acquire a test or assignment, taking a test or doing an assignment for someone else, or allowing someone to do these things for one’s own benefit.
  • ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT. The intentional violation of college policies, such as tampering with grades, misrepresenting one’s identity or taking part in obtaining or distributing any part of a test or any information about the test.

Some infractions of academic integrity may violate state or federal laws or professional codes and may carry serious legal consequences.

E. Authority

This policy and these procedures are maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for academic affairs.

F. Related Policies

2.62 – Academic Course Grade Appeal

5.15 – Standards of Conduct for Students and Organizations

5.16 – Student Discipline and Appeals Process

G. Implementation

Purpose and Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 5/14/2018.

Procedures, Definitions, Authority and Related Policies approved and adopted by the Chancellor’s Cabinet on 5/14/2018. Revised 10/01/2019 and 10/06/23.  Set for review in fiscal year 2026 -2027.