5.37 Drug and Alcohol Prevention
A.       Purpose
To establish drug and alcohol prevention programming for students and employees pursuant to the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989.
B.       Policy
The college will maintain, communicate and enforce a comprehensive drug and alcohol abuse prevention program to students and employees, which will include the Biennial Review and annual notifications as required by the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989.
C.       Procedures
OTC’s drug and alcohol abuse prevention program (D.A.A.P.P.) includes this college policy, the Biennial Review and annual, system-wide notifications to students and employees about the college drug and alcohol abuse prevention information.
The following components must be included in the Biennial Review and the drug and alcohol annual notifications to students and employees.
Standards of Conduct and College Discipline
- OTC prohibits the unlawful use, possession, distribution, sale or being under the influence of illicit drugs by members of the college community on college-owned or controlled property and at college-sponsored events.
- On-campus use, possession, distribution, or sale of alcohol by members of the college community on college-owned or controlled property is prohibited except as approved by the OTC Chancellor for specific college-sponsored events or functions, when attending functions or conferences on the college’s behalf where alcohol is served as part of a social function, or authorized use of alcohol within approved curricular programs.
- Despite the legalization of recreational and medical use of marijuana in Missouri, it remains a violation of federal laws to use, possess, cultivate, distribute or be under the influence of marijuana on college-owned or controlled property or at college-sponsored events.
- Vendors and other non-student visitors who violate this policy will be removed from campus. If the conduct resulting in discipline also involves a violation of state or federal law, the college will refer the matter to the appropriate authorities for prosecution.
Academic Program Testing
Certain programs at the college require their students to submit to random and scheduled drug testing for safety purposes and to satisfy the requirements of clinical and lab partners. The practice and procedure of testing students within these programs will be governed and developed by the individual programs and approved by the vice chancellor of academic affairs and vice chancellor for student affairs. These program-specific practices and procedures will outline the manner and timing of testing, the results of a positive test, and the opportunity for an appeal of a positive test. Students are subject to their academic department’s drug testing procedure and to this policy and its disciplinary sanctions.
Legal Consequences
- Federal law prohibits, the manufacture, distribution, sale and possession of controlled substances as outlined in 21 United States Code, Sections 801 through 971.
- Convictions for federal drug offenses can also result in a student’s loss of eligibility for federal financial aid.
- State and local law also provide penalties for violations relating to the unlawful manufacture, sale, use or possession of controlled (and/or imitation of controlled) substances and alcohol. In addition, states and localities have laws relating to underage drinking, driving while intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol and/or illicit drugs. Sanctions for violations may range from local citations to state law felonies. Penalties may range from small fines to prison terms, depending on the violation and criminal history of the individual.
Health Risks
Serious health risks are associated with the use of alcohol or other drugs. A list of health risks associated with particular types of drugs and alcohol is available through OTC’s Counseling Services department and the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
If a student or employee is interested in resources available in the community for drug or alcohol counseling, treatment, rehabilitation or re-entry, they may contact OTC’s Counseling
Services at counseling@otc.edu or 417-447-6974. Counseling Services provides educational information on drug and alcohol abuse through the distribution of printed materials, scheduled programming throughout the academic year and a website that includes substance use-related resources and links to online screenings.
D.       Definitions
Biennial Review is a comprehensive review of OTC’s drug and alcohol abuse prevention program as required and defined by The US Department of Education publication: Complying with the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations. The Biennial Review ensures that institutions of higher learning have alcohol and other drug abuse and prevention programs and policies and that these programs are reviewed every two years to determine program effectiveness, consistency of policy enforcement and to identify and implement any changes needed. OTC’s Biennial Review is evaluated during each even-numbered year.
College Community is students, faculty and staff of the college, the Board of Trustees, visitors, contractors and consultants performing work or services on college owned or leased properties and all other invitees of the college.
Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program (D.A.A.P.P.) is college policy 5.37, the Biennial Review and the annual notifications to students and employees.
Illicit Drugs include those substances which are entirely prohibited and the non-medical use of drugs that may be legally available such as painkillers and sleeping pills.
E.       Authority
This policy and these procedures are maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for institutional and student success.
F.       Related Policies3.40 — Employee Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures
3.47 — Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace
5.15 — Standards of Student Conduct
5.16 — Student Discipline and Appeals
G.       Implementation
Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 11/12/2013. Revised 05/11/2020 and 06/12/2024.
Purpose, procedures, and definitions approved and adopted by the Cabinet on 02/12/2014, 04/21/2020, 07/25/2022, and 05/14/2022. Set for review in 2026 or every two years.