2.20 β Final Assessments
A. Purpose
Establish the collegeβs position on final assessments for courses.
B. Policy
All courses will include a final assessment.
C. Procedures
Each course will have an assessment to be given during the pre-determined final testing period for each section of the course regardless of location or delivery method.
Each assessment will be delivered in a manner to most effectively utilize the allotted time period provided.
Any deviation from these procedures must be approved by the vice chancellor for academic affairs, prior to the scheduled assessment period.
D. Definitions
E. Authority
This policy is maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for academic affairs.
F. Related Policies
G. Implementation
Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 10/11/11 and 6/12/24.
Purpose, procedures, responsibilities, and definitions approved and adopted by the Cabinet on 09/28/11. Revised on 6/4/19 and 04/16/24. Set for review in fiscal year 2026-2027.