2.21 β Proctored Events for Online Courses
A. Purpose
Establish the collegeβs position on proctoring requirements for online courses.
B. Policy
In order to verify the identity of students participating in online courses, each online course offering must include one proctored event in which each student registered for the course must participate.
C. Procedures
Each instructor of an online course shall develop an event to be delivered in a proctored environment and establish proctoring guidelines.
Proctoring locations must be approved by appropriate college personnel.
Students who do not participate in at least one proctored event will be assigned a failing grade for the course.
D. Definitions
E. Authority
This policy and these procedures are maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for academic affairs.
F. Related Policies
2.64 β Administrative Withdrawal
G. Implementation
Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 10/11/11. Revised on 08/12/19.
Purpose, procedures, responsibilities, and definitions approved and adopted by the Cabinet on 09/28/11. Revised on 06/04/19. Set for review in fiscal year 2025 β 2026.