2.03 Instructional Quality

A. Purpose

To ensure the college has the necessary processes in place to provide accessible, high quality learning opportunities.

B. Policy

The college shall strive to ensure the quality of its educational offerings through high standards for rigor and instruction. The college shall provide the resources and support necessary to ensure the desired quality of delivery, evaluation, and improvement of its educational offerings.

C. Procedures

Course Quality

To ensure the quality of credit courses and program structure, each will be presented to and approved by the college curriculum committee prior to the first offering.

All sections of an approved course offered by the college, regardless of mode of delivery, length of term or location of the offering will be identical in description, objectives, titles and credit hours. The courses will maintain consistent content and assessment standards across all sections, ensuring that students receive a comparable learning experience regardless of the modality. Course delivery may be changed due to unforeseen circumstances.

Curricular changes of a course or program may occur with curriculum committee approval. Such changes should be informed from input of advisory committee recommendations, data from assessment of student learning, data from program reviews, and/or accreditation, industry, or State of Missouri standards.

The college will provide the resources necessary to support effective teaching (technologies, equipment, supplies, etc.)

Instructor Quality

All faculty assigned to teach a course are required to have the appropriate academic credentials and are required to successfully complete any appropriate training.

Instructors will be evaluated comprehensively across modalities. Instructor performance evaluation should occur on a regularly scheduled basis as determined by the office of academic affairs and in accordance with employee policy and guidelines.

Professional development related to effective teaching, instructional design, and pedagogy will be made available to faculty.

D. Definitions

Course Delivery is the method in which faculty and students interact and transmit information in an educational setting.

E. Authority

This policy is maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for academic affairs.

F. Related Policies

2.02 Curriculum Development and Revision

2.09 Course Credit Hour

2.20 Comprehensive Final Examinations

2.31 Faculty Qualifications

3.14 Evaluation of Performance

3.13 Professional Development Plan

G. Implementation

Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 01/14/2020.

Purpose, procedures, responsibilities, and definitions approved and adopted by the Cabinet on 11/28/2023. Revised on 10/5/2023. Set for review in fiscal year 2026-2027.