2.12 – Credit by Exam (Test Out)

A.    Purpose
To establish the college’s position to award credit through proficiency examination for specified courses.

B.    Policy

Credit for specified courses may be awarded by examination. A student who can demonstrate the required skills and knowledge, by means of an established assessment, may receive credit for a course.

C.    Procedures

A student who can demonstrate proficiency in a particular subject by passing either the designated College Level Examination Program (CLEP) subject examination or departmental proficiency examination will be awarded credit for the appropriate equivalent course(s).

  1. The student must be currently enrolled at the college.
  2. Not more than 24 credit hours may be earned through credit by exam.
  3. The grade recorded on the transcript will be ‘S’ and will count as hours earned but will not count in cumulative grade point calculations for grade point average (GPA).
  4. A student may not receive credit by exam for any course they have previously received credit or in a repeat attempt to receive credit.
  5. Students must complete one semester in residence at OTC before any credit by exam is posted on the transcript.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) subject examination
College Level Examination Program (CLEP) examinations are created by the not-for-profit organization, College Board, to allow students to demonstrate their mastery of introductory college-level material.  The college will designate which CLEP exams are equivalent to the college’s offered courses and will also determine the minimum CLEP score required to earn credit for those courses. Information about CLEP equivalencies and testing procedures can be found on the OTC Registrar and Testing Services websites.

Departmental Proficiency Examinations

Departmental proficiency examinations are created by appropriate college faculty to allow students to demonstrate their mastery of course content in designated subjects. These examinations will be equivalent to the cumulative final assessment used in the course. Faculty will determine the minimum score required to earn credit by exam for these courses.

A student may attempt to receive credit through Departmental Proficiency examinations by the following:

Prior to registration for courses:

If a student feels they possess the level of knowledge for a course, prior to registering for classes, they may attempt the departmental proficiency examination for that subject.

  1. The student must contact the appropriate program director or department chair to establish a testing date and to obtain the details and requirements to attempt the exam.
  2. The program director or department chair will designate the fees that apply to the exam. The student must pay all fees and present the paid receipt to the program director or department chair prior to taking the assessment.
  3. If the minimum required score is obtained, the student can have the results sent to the OTC Registrar’s Office and request that scores be applied to their transcript.
  4. Once the student has completed a minimum of one semester at OTC, the Registrar will apply the credits to the student’s transcript.
  5. Transcripted hours will not count toward the semester enrollment.

After Registration, but before classes begin:

If a student registers for a course but feels they may possess the knowledge and skills required in the course, they may choose to attempt the Departmental Proficiency examination.

  1. The student must contact the appropriate program director or department chair to establish a testing date and to obtain the details and requirements to attempt the exam.
  2. Tuition and appropriate fees for the course will be assessed and will be the responsibility of the student to pay.
  3. If the minimum required score is obtained, the student can have the results sent to the OTC Registrar’s Office and request that scores be applied to his/her transcript.
  4. Upon receiving the information, the Registrar will add the student to a section 99 for the course and remove the student from the registered course.
  5. Students enrolled in a section 99 of a course can count the hours toward their semester enrollment.
  6. If a student fails to obtain the minimum required score to receive credit, the student may remain in the scheduled section.

After registration and after classes begin:

A student who registers for a course and within three weeks of the beginning of class determines that they may possess the knowledge necessary to fulfill the requirements of the course may choose to attempt the departmental proficiency examination.

  1. The student must contact the appropriate program director or department chair to establish a testing date and to obtain the details and requirements to attempt the exam.
  2. Tuition and appropriate fees for the course will be assessed and will be the responsibility of the student to pay.
  3. Students should continue to attend the class until official notification that they have successfully obtained the minimum required score to receive credit for the course.
  4. If the minimum required score is obtained, the student can have the results sent to the OTC Registrar’s Office and request that scores be applied to their transcript.
  5. Upon receiving the information the Registrar will add the student to a section 99 for the course and remove the student from the registered course.
  6. Students enrolled in a section 99 of a course can count the hours toward their semester enrollment.

D.    Definitions

Credit by exam – the process of awarding credit based on competencies established solely through assessment. “Credit by exam” is commonly referred to as “test out.”

E.    Authority

This policy is maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for academic affairs.

F.    Related Policies

2.70 Grading System

G.    Implementation

Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 04/09/12. Revised 10/28/14; 01/13/2020.

Purpose, procedures, responsibilities and definitions approved and adopted by the Cabinet on 10/28/14. Revised 12/12/2019. Set for review in fiscal year 2025 – 2026.