2.30 – Credit for Prior Learning

A. Purpose

Establish criteria for the acceptance of prior student learning for college credit.

B. Policy

Students may receive college credit for prior learning if they can demonstrate the required skills by means of an established assessment.

C. Procedures

The maximum allowable credit for prior learning that can be applied to a degree program will not exceed 50% of the program hours, with 15 hours required to be taken in residence. The grade recorded on the transcript will be β€˜S’.

The maximum allowable credit for prior learning that can be applied to a certificate will not exceed 50% of the certificate hours, with 9 hours taken in residence. The grade recorded on the transcript will be β€˜S’.

Any exceptions to allowable credits must be approved by the executive vice chancellor for academic affairs, or their designee. Each program accepting prior learning for college credit will establish the assessment process needed to evaluate the student’s proficiency in the necessary knowledge and skills.

Credit awarded by other institutions of higher education will follow the policies of the college on transfer credit.

D. Definitions

Credit for Prior Learning is the process of awarding college credit based on the demonstration of proficiency in the knowledge and skills required.

In Residence is the requirement that a minimum number of credit hours must be earned through classes offered by any modality at the college.

E. Authority

This policy is maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for academic affairs.

F. Related Policies

2.04 – Transfer Credit

2.70 – Grading System

G. Implementation

Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 10/21/13.

Purpose, procedures, responsibilities, and definitions approved and adopted by the Cabinet on 09/19/13. Revised on 12/03/2024. Set for review in fiscal year 2027-2028.