2.73 – Faculty Workload, Expectations, and Additional Compensation
A. Purpose
To establish the college’s workload and job duty expectations for faculty members, as well as criteria for determining additional compensation.
B. Policy
The college maintains workload standards and expectations for faculty members and will compensate for select extra duty assignments.
C. Procedures
Teaching Workload
All full-time faculty are classified as exempt employees.
Designated academic affairs personnel will assign all teaching duties and schedules related to their area of oversight. Faculty may be required to teach a combination of days and/or evenings, at different locations, and/or in a variety of modalities. Schedules should be equitable considering clinical hours, lab hours, and other modes of instruction.
The adjunct faculty teaching load is limited to the number of college-determined credit hours each semester; the full-time faculty teaching load is indicated on the job description.
Modification of workload requires written approval from the vice chancellor for academic affairs and will be placed on file in the Office of Human Resources.
Job Duty Expectations
A faculty member’s primary responsibility is providing daily instruction that demonstrates high academic standards, quality, and excellence. Faculty members are expected to represent the college appropriately to the public and demonstrate integrity in all aspects of their job performance. This includes appropriate modeling for students in personal demeanor and appearance.
Faculty have the right to set expectations and rules to govern their classroom environment. These must be communicated in the course syllabus and align with all college policies.
Full-time faculty will be available to assist students outside of class and will clearly communicate their availability in the course syllabus. Availability should reflect student needs and comply with divisional guidelines. Meetings may be held in person at an OTC campus or center, or virtually.
For full-time faculty, the work week typically includes a daily presence on campus when classes are in session or at required sites for clinical hours, laboratories or practicums. Variations may exist for faculty teaching in hybrid or online programs.
Modification to the typical work week is subject to the approval of the vice chancellor for academic affairs. If approved, the modification will be placed on file in the Office of Human Resources.
Other Obligations
Full-time faculty members are expected to perform other duties on campus in addition to the instruction/office hour components. The standard condition of employment requires that full-time faculty participate in all assigned and/or appropriate committee meetings, professional development activities, and commencement ceremonies. Absence from any of these activities requires written administrative approval.
Additional Compensation
For full-time faculty, when the teaching load exceeds the assigned load required to fulfill the full-time faculty member’s employment agreement, additional compensation will be provided. For credit-based courses, overload pay for those additional teaching assignments will be compensated at the appropriate adjunct rate. Short-term training courses, beyond the faculty member’s minimum load, will be compensated at a predetermined rate. Credit by exam, independent study, or internship sections will not be utilized in calculating teaching load.
For non-instructional duties that exceed the essential duties defined on the faculty job description, full-time faculty members may receive a stipend. The work must be approved in advance through the established approval process for the faculty member to receive this additional pay.
Instructors of online courses which exceed the established enrollment capacity at the fourth week of the semester may qualify for additional compensation. This stipend is calculated by averaging the number of enrolled students across all sections of the same online course taught by the faculty member. Payment is based on the college-approved rate per student per credit hour for each additional enrolled student.
Modification of compensation requires written approval from the vice chancellor for academic affairs and will be placed on file in the Office of Human Resources.
D. Definitions
Exempt employees are individuals who are exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Full-time faculty meet the specific criteria of FLSA exemption as bona fide teachers at an institution of higher education.
E. Authority
This policy is maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for academic affairs.
F. Related Policies
2.25 – Classroom Expectations and Disciplinary Withdrawal
3.14 – Evaluation of Performance
3.15 – Supplemental Employment
G. Implementation
Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 10/14/2019. Revised on 3/20/2024.
Purpose, procedures, and definitions approved and adopted by the Cabinet on 10/01/2019; 05/17/2022; 2/27/2024, 12/4/2024. Set for review in fiscal year 2027-2028.