5.09 – Academic Standing

A.    Purpose

To establish criteria to assign OTC students an academic standing at the end of each term based on their OTC cumulative grade point average (GPA) and the effects of the determined academic standing.

B.    Policy

Any student who has an OTC cumulative GPA will be assigned an academic standing at the end of each term.

C.    Procedures

Upon receipt of final grades for a semester, the Registrar’s office will calculate a student’s OTC cumulative GPA.

Students with a 2.0 OTC cumulative GPA and above are considered in good standing.

Students whose OTC cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 are placed on academic probation.

Academic probation status will impose the following limitations on the student:

The student will not be able to register without first obtaining advisor permission.

The student may not be allowed to go into overload status.

D.    Definitions

OTC Cumulative Grade Point Average is the combined Grade Point Average (GPA) of all course work completed at OTC for college credit.

Overload Status is defined as enrollment in credit hours that surpasses the maximum number of credit hours allowed each semester.

E.    Authority

This policy is maintained under the authority of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs and the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs.

F.    Related Policies

2.09 Course Credit Hour

2.70 Grading system

5.06 Classification

G.    Implementation

Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 08/11/97. Revised 06/12/17, 10/12/2020.

Purpose, procedures, responsibilities and definitions approved and adopted by the Cabinet on 5/2/17, 10/06/2020.

Set for review in 2023-2024.