6.02 Procurement

A. Purpose

To establish uniform and systematic requirements for the procurement of goods and services for the college.

B. Policy

The college will support the procurement of goods and services for the institution through established requirements and guidelines that ensure compliance with applicable regulations. All purchases shall be handled in accordance with commonly accepted business procedures and must be documented with records necessary to satisfy audit and inventory requirements and all applicable laws. The Board of Trustees grants authority to obligate institutional funds for the purchase of supplies, materials, services, and equipment to the chancellor and their designee(s). Procurement of goods and services that are $50,000 or more require the approval of the Board of Trustees.

C. Procedures

The chancellor grants authority to obligate institutional funds for the purchase of supplies, materials, services, and equipment to the vice chancellor for administrative services and their designee(s).

All college purchases should be made utilizing the college’s tax-exempt status. If an individual makes a purchase without utilizing the college’s tax-exempt status, the individual making the purchase is responsible for obtaining refunds of any taxes incurred that the college was exempt from paying. If a refund is not obtained from a vendor for taxes paid in error, the employee who made the purchase is responsible for reimbursing the college for the amount of the taxes paid.

Purchases from state and federal funds may be subject to more restrictive requirements for grant agreements and any applicable state and federal regulations. Federal procurement transactions must be conducted in a manner as to provide full and open competition consistent with the standards of 2 CFR Part 200 Uniform Administrative Requirement, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, “Procurement Standards 200.317 to 200.326”. The vice chancellor for finance and their designees may establish additional written purchasing guidelines for each grant source and communicate those requirements to the appropriate department vice chancellor. With all purchases the more restrictive procedures and requirements will be followed.

Non-competitive Purchasing Requirements (up to $4,999.99)

Procurement cards (P-Cards) can be utilized for purchases of less than $2,000.00 and must be made in accordance with Policy 6.02(a) Procurement Cards. Any purchase of less than $2,000.00, which is not allowed under the Procurement Cards policy, must be submitted as a purchase requisition. Exceptions may be made for auxiliary services.

Purchases of $2,000.00 through $4,999.99 must be submitted as a purchase requisition and approved by the dean or vice chancellor/campus president and/or their designee of the requestor’s department.

Competitive Purchasing Requirements ($5,000.00 and above)

Purchases of $5,000.00 through $49,999.99 shall be purchased on a competitive quotation basis, and must be submitted as a purchase requisition. For these purchases, a minimum of three electronic or written quotes must be taken. The quotes must detail the item(s) requested and include all product descriptions, make/model numbers, and the quantities requested. Approval for vendor selection shall be granted by the vice chancellor/campus president of the requestor’s department. The quote from the lowest responsible vendor will be awarded.

Purchases of $50,000.00 and above require competitive formal bids which will be bid by the Procurement Department. Purchase requisitions must be received by the college director of procurement no less than 30 calendar days prior to being presented for approval. Bidders may be given the option to submit a bid by electronic submission or by mailing a physical copy as specified by the solicitation for bids.

Purchases $50,000.00 and above must be:

Publicly posted on the college’s procurement webpage and through an electronic sourcing platform available to the general public for at least five business days prior to bid opening; and

Solicited by electronic or surface mail, or other reasonable methods generally available to the public when such methods are deemed more advantageous for the supplies to be purchased; and

Opened and tabulated by the college director of procurement and/or their designee. The lowest responsible vendor will be recommended to cabinet and the chancellor for approval; and

Presented to the Board of Trustees, after approval from cabinet and the chancellor, for final review and approval.

Purchases may not be split for the purpose of reducing the dollar amount to circumvent the college’s competitive purchasing requirements.

Exceptions to Competitive Purchasing

Purchases of $5,000 and above may be exempt from the competitive purchasing procedures described above if the purchases are required in the following circumstances:

Emergency and Exigency Purchases – Except as may otherwise be prohibited by the requirements and guidelines for a state or federal grant source, the chancellor may waive the requirement of competitive bids or proposals for products/services in emergency or exigency situations where the need for required products/services will not permit a delay resulting from competitive procurement solicitations. Any emergency or exigency purchase that is $50,000 and above will be presented to the Board of Trustees for ratification at the next regularly scheduled board meeting. Emergency and exigency purchases may be necessary when one or more of the following occurs:

A threat to life, property, public health, or public safety;

Immediate procurement will protect against further loss, loss of, or damage to college property;

Immediate procurement prevents or minimizes serious disruption of college services or operations;

Immediate procurement ensures the integrity of college records;

Immediate procurement ensures that required products or services, that are in short supply, are able to be purchased in the most economical manner.

Single Feasible Source – purchases must be justified by the department requesting the purchase by completing the single feasible source form and attaching it to the purchase requisition. The procurement department will evaluate the single feasible source justification prior to purchasing. If the single feasible source designation is not justified, it will be rejected. Single feasible sources exist when:

Supplies are proprietary and only available from the manufacturer or a single distributor;

Products or services have no competitive alternatives available on the market and are available from only one source;

Based on past procurement experience, it is determined that only one distributor services the region in which supplies are being needed;

Supplies are available at a verified discount from a single distributor for a limited period of time.

Existing and Cooperative Contracts – The college may use previously bid contracts, cooperative contracts, or contracts or programs created by statute and/or administrative regulations that are applicable and desirable to the product or service.

Retail Auxiliary Inventory – Purchase of products for the purpose of resale to the public in food operations or auxiliary services.

Real Estate – Purchases, leases, and other transactions in which the college receives real property.

Professional Services – See Policy 6.35 Selection of Professional Services.

Purchase Orders

After a purchase requisition has been approved, the procurement department will generate a purchase order and submit it to the vendor for processing.

Standing purchase orders may be used in certain instances when the college has an agreement, contract, or lease for recurring purchases from the same vendor in the course of a fiscal year. A standing purchase order which removes the need for multiple requisitions may be appropriate when a monthly charge does not vary from month to month or varies very little. When a standing purchase order has been approved, payment is made from an approved invoice instead of a requisition.

Receiving Goods

All goods, unless otherwise directed by receiving personnel, shall be delivered to the designated receiving facility or college location.

All goods delivered through UPS, FedEx, DHL, or any other carrier shall be received, inspected for obvious damage, and logged into the daily receiving log.

All goods shall be checked against the packing slips and the purchase order for accuracy and to identify items on back order.

All goods should be delivered to the appropriate location as designated on the purchase order, usually within 24 hours of arrival. Live, perishable, or potentially hazardous items shall be delivered as soon as possible, with end users contacted immediately to coordinate delivery.

All goods delivered must be signed for upon internal delivery by the end user or their designee, and delivery time shall be recorded in the delivery log.

All delivery and receiving logs shall be electronically filed on a daily basis, and the records shall be kept in accordance with the applicable State of Missouri record retention schedule.

End users must notify Shipping and Receiving about damages or discrepancies with the goods received within five business days.

Items identified as fixed assets should be tagged per Policy 6.05 – Capital & Fixed Assets.

Returning Goods

If the end user discovers reasons for goods to be returned, they must repack the goods to be returned and, when possible, the goods should be returned in original shipping containers.

The vendor should be contacted when the defect is discovered by the appropriate college personnel.

All returned goods should be coordinated with shipping and receiving personnel.

Whenever possible, return freight shall be charged to the vendor for defective or damaged goods.

Once the item is returned, a copy of the credit memo must be electronically filed in the appropriate purchasing order folder.

Conflict of Interest

All college employees and officers (and their immediate family members) shall not solicit or accept gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from contractors, vendors, or parties to sub-agreements; participate in the selection, award, or administration of any contract if a real or apparent conflict of interest would be involved.

D. Definitions

Competitive bid is defined as a buyer receiving multiple bids from vendors and evaluating those bids before choosing a vendor

Formal bid is defined as written or electronic bid that is completed in conformance with established specifications and submitted in a sealed envelope or file to be opened on a specific date and time.

Professional services are defined in policy 6.35 Selection of Professional Services.

Purchase order is defined as a legal binding document between a vendor and a buyer.

Purchase requisition is defined as a document used as part of the accounting process to initiate a merchandise or supply purchase.

Ratification is defined as approval by the Board of Trustees after the procurement transaction has been initiated by the college.

Emergency is defined as a situation that requires immediate action due to an immediate threat to life, public health, public safety or property.

Exigency is defined as an urgent need that does not constitute an emergency but requires a rapid decision for the optimal operation of the college.

E. Authority

This policy and these procedures are maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for administrative services.

F. Related Policies

6.02(a) Procurement Cards

6.05 Capital & Fixed Assets

6.35 Selection of Professional Services

G. Implementation

Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on 9/8/97. Revised 12/9/02, 8/10/09 2/17/12, and 2/8/21.

Purpose, Procedures, Definitions, Authority and Related Policies approved and adopted by the Chancellor’s cabinet on 1/10/12 and revised 1/27/21, and 7/20/21. Set for review in fiscal year 2023 – 2024.