6.36 – Surplus Property Disposal and Property Transfer
A. Purpose
To establish guidelines to protect college assets and to provide a uniform and systematic method for disposal and transfer of college surplus property.
B. Policy
The college provides guidance on the disposal and/or transfer of college surplus property and equipment whether for internal reallocation/reuse, donation, public auction, recycle or landfill disposal.
C. Procedures
College surplus property may not be sold, traded-in, salvaged, scrapped, donated or otherwise disposed of without prior approval from the vice chancellor for administrative services or their designee as well as the chief financial officer or their designee.
To dispose of college surplus property, the Surplus Property Disposal/Equipment Transfer Form must be completed and signed by the disposing department’s vice chancellor then forwarded to Fixed Assets in the Finance Office. The form must include the asset tag number (if assigned), manufacturer, model, a brief description of the item(s), and functioning status. The Finance Office will review items listed for stipulations on disposal of property purchased with grant funds. If required, the college director of procurement will obtain two fair market values for the identified property.
Once college surplus property is identified and a completed form is reviewed by the Finance Office, the college director of procurement will confer with other college departments to determine if there is an internal need for property prior to the proposed disposal. If there is no transfer request, the vice chancellor for administrative services or their designee will initiate disposal alternatives.
College surplus property that is no longer needed by the college will be recycled, discarded or sold at public auction. In addition, donations may be made to other governmental bodies (e.g., public schools, other public colleges and universities, etc.) at the discretion of the vice chancellor for administrative services or their designee.
College surplus property may be auctioned through online public auctions, such as GovDeals. This provides the college the opportunity to dispose of surplus items on an ongoing basis and ensures the best possible price is received for surplus property. An in-person public auction may also be utilized.
Electronic waste shall be disposed of by a certified electronic recycling facility. Documentation shall be included with the Surplus Property Disposal Form that verifies sensitive data has been erased prior to disposal.
Any surplus property that may contain hazardous waste and/or regulated waste must be remediated per policy 4.16 Hazardous Waste and Regulated Waste prior to disposal.
If it is determined by the vice chancellor of administrative services or their designee that an item will be donated, a donation form must be attached to the Surplus Property Disposal/Equipment Transfer Form and forwarded to the Finance Office for approval and processing.
Trade-In Equipment
If existing equipment is to be traded-in on the purchase of new equipment, that trade-in must be accomplished through the Procurement Department. The asset number and description of the equipment to be traded-in must be listed on the Surplus Property Disposal/Equipment Transfer Form, which will accompany the letter of intent and purchase requisition for the new equipment.
Transferred Equipment
When equipment is transferred to another department or location, a Surplus Property Disposal/Equipment Transfer Form must be completed by the transferring department and forwarded to Fixed Assets in the Finance Office. It will then be forwarded to Facilities and Grounds to relocate the equipment.
Federal Awards
Unless there is a more restrictive college policy or procedure, disposition of equipment acquired under a federal award will be processed in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200 Uniform Administrative Requirement, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards 200.313.
D. Definitions
College surplus property is defined as property that is either no longer in use or for which there is no further plan for use. It may include tangible assets such as equipment, materials, supplies, furniture, course materials, textbooks and vehicles.
Regulated waste [Code 29 of Federal Regulations (29CFR 1910.1030)] is defined as contaminated items with liquid, semi-liquid, dried blood or other potentially infectious materials that are capable of releasing these materials during handling.
Hazardous waste (40 Code of Federal Regulations) is defined as waste that is dangerous or potentially harmful to health or the environment (examples may include, but are not limited to, chemicals, lamps, batteries, pesticides, aerosols, etc.).
Electronic waste is defined as electronic products that have become unwanted; non-working or obsolete, and have essentially reached the end of their useful lives.
Transferred equipment is defined as any equipment or furniture transferred from one college department, location and/or classroom to another.
E. Authority
This policy is maintained under the authority of the executive vice chancellor for administrative services.
F. Related Policies
4.16 – Hazardous Waste and Regulated Waste
G. Implementation
Policy approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees on April 5, 2005.
Purpose, Procedures, Definitions, Authority and Related Policies approved and adopted by the Chancellor’s Cabinet on 8/11/20. Revised 10/06/2023.
Set for review in fiscal year 2026-2027.