Institutional Code of Conduct
Our institution commits itself to high ethical standards. Ozarks Technical Community College has established this institutional code of conduct as a guideline for appropriate professional behavior. College actions are to reflect the interests of all internal and external stakeholders. They are also to support compliance with all legal, social and other expectations.
As a statement, individuals shall use the institutional code of conduct as a resource for decision-making processes. It applies to all individuals who are associated with the college community. Community members include faculty, staff, students, volunteers, outside providers and trustees.
Compliance, Risk Management and Institutional Effectiveness
Individuals should conduct business in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and internal policy and procedures. Examples include ethical conduct, donor gift restrictions, health and safety, human resources, intellectual property, privacy, purchasing, research, workers’ compensation, overall internal control and risk management and general institutional effectiveness.
The college expects those individuals belonging to professions to adhere to the institutional code of conduct specific to their discipline. They should comply with this code in addition to college policies and procedures.
Only individuals who have appropriately delegated authority should enter agreements on behalf of the college.
Confidentiality and Privacy
Individuals should respect and protect information both externally and internally.
Responsibilities of the Media Relations Office include the dissemination of news releases, statements, images and video to news organizations for use in news gathering and reporting. Only the Chancellor, Chief Media Relations Officer or their designees should release information on behalf of the college to news outlets.
The internal or external release of personal information throughout the college should only be in those instances that are “need to know.” There are applicable laws and regulations that establish the guidelines for what constitutes “need to know.” Benchmark legislation shall include the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Graham Leach Bliley Act (GLBA), and the Missouri Revised Statutes.
Institutional surveillance should only take place in those areas where there is not an expectation of privacy.
Conflict of Commitment
Activities and economic and professional interests should be free of conflicts of interest and also of the appearance of impropriety. Individuals should not compromise professional values for personal goals; they should make an appropriate disclosure in those instances where conflicts occur. See also OTC 1.09 Conflicts of Interest and Substantial Interests Disclosure Policy and 3.46 Personal Relationships.
All entries into college records should accurately reflect each transaction.
Fraud is a misrepresentation of a fact by words, conduct or the concealment of that which should be disclosed which individuals intend to deceive another so that ethical or legal injury results as a result of the action or omission. The college expressly prohibits acts of fraud of any kind.
Fraudulent acts may be illegal or unethical and may be for the benefit of or to the detriment of individuals and the organization and by persons outside as well as inside the organization. Fraudulent acts may include, but are not limited to:
- Alteration or falsification of documents.
- Claims submitted for services or goods not actually provided to the organization.
- Concealment, destruction, misappropriation or removal of assets. Note that assets include proprietary information as well as money and tangible property such as supplies and equipment. See also 4.02(h) Care of College Property and Documents.
- Intentional, improper representation or valuation of transactions, assets, liabilities or income.
- Misrepresentation of facts.
- Prohibited business activities that violate government statutes, rules, regulations or contracts.
- Providing or accepting material benefits that are intended to unduly influence business decisions.
Human Resources
Each community member should be treated fairly and with respect. The college prohibits discrimination and harassment and provides equal opportunities for all community members, regardless of race , color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, age, disability, citizenship or legal immigration status, veteran status, or any other status protected by federal, state and local laws (“protected status”). Bona fide occupational qualifications will be allowed in those instances where age, gender or physical requirements apply to the appropriate and efficient administration of the position.
See also, 3.01 Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination, 3.47 Drug Free Workplace, 3.46 Personal Relationships, 4.06 Sexual Harassment and Grievance Procedures and 4.08 Communicable Diseases.
In those instances where business activities and other conduct of community members are not governed by specific laws or regulation, rules of fairness, genuineness, honesty, objectivity and respect for the rights of others should govern conduct.
Decision making should reflect a commitment to long-term benefit and sustainability as opposed to making improvements in short-term performance designed to provide the appearance of unrealistic immediate gain.
Business conduct should not be damaging to the reputation of the institution.
Use of College Resources
Resources should be used for business purposes on behalf of the college and should not be used for personal use except in a manner that is incidental and reasonable.
See also OTCÂ 3.42 Employee Use of College Resources and Space.
Adherence to the institutional code of conduct involves communicating suspected violations of applicable standards, policies or laws. Speaking to concerns about adverse behavior is a service to the college, and the reporting of those concerns should not jeopardize employment or constitute grounds for retaliation.
Reporting should normally be made initially through standard management levels. Other contact offices include: human resources, safety and security, sexual harassment and compliance and internal audit. Confirmed instances of violation are subject to disciplinary action.
Adopted by the Cabinet on 12/20/22
-Institutional Code of Conduct