6.18 – Tuition and Fees

A.      Purpose

To establish charges for credit-bearing instructional services.

B.      Policy
The college will establish tuition and fee charges for credit-bearing instructional programs which will be approved by the Board of Trustees annually.

C.      Procedures

Tuition will be recommended by cabinet for Board of Trustee approval. Chairs and directors will annually review fees associated with their programs and areas and will provide updates for review and approval by the appropriate vice chancellor. All fees will be approved by the Board of Trustees and made public on the Required Tuition and Fees and Active Military Tuition and Fee Information web pages.

Other Programs and Activities

Charges for college-sponsored programs and activities shall be calculated each semester, or as needed, to recoup all costs. The appropriate fees shall be determined by the director(s) for each program, for review and approval by the appropriate vice chancellor. Due to the variety involved in other educational programming, the costs may vary considerably, depending on the instruction being delivered.

Unpaid Balance

When a student’s account balance has not been paid by the established deadline set by the college, the college will assess a reasonable late fee. If a balance remains unpaid, it may be placed in a collections process and a fee will be assessed.

Encumbered Balance

No student will be eligible to register for any subsequent term or other educational course/program until all tuition, fees and other college debts are paid, unless an exception is approved by the chancellor.

D.      Definitions

E.      Authority
This policy is maintained under the authority of the vice chancellor for finance.

F.       Related Policies
6.19 – Tuition Refunds

G.      Implementation

Policy revised by the Board of Trustees on 1/12/04 and 10/11/21.

Purpose, Procedures, Definitions and Authority sections approved and adopted by the Cabinet on 10/05/21.

Set for review in fiscal year 2024-2025.